Ovarian Cyst

Most women develop ovarian cysts at some point during their lives. At Midwest OB/GYN & Midwifery, you can find out whether your cysts need treatment. Board-certified OB/GYN Mariusz Koziol, MD, FACOG, and the team have many years of experience treating women’s health concerns, including ovarian cysts. If you have painful ovarian cysts, the team can develop a personalized care plan. Call the office in Elk Grove Village or Park Ridge, Illinois, or book an appointment online today. online today.

Ovarian Cyst Q & A

Ovarian cysts are growths that may appear on the surface of your ovaries. These fluid-filled sacs are common among women who have regular periods. Cysts often develop after your ovary releases an egg. 

During ovulation, each egg develops inside a tiny sac. The sac then bursts, allowing the egg to travel down the fallopian tube, where it can be fertilized. 

In most cases, the sac dissolves after ovulation, but sometimes, a sac may fail to burst. Sacs might also burst, but fail to dissolve. Over time, these sacs may turn into cysts

Most ovarian cysts cause no symptoms. Some women with cysts report:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Bladder or bowel problems
  • Pain during sex
  • Weight changes
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding

Occasionally, cysts can rupture. A ruptured cyst often causes sudden, severe pelvic pain. If your cyst doesn’t dissolve or rupture, it may continue to grow. 

In rare cases, some cysts become large enough to twist your ovary. This condition, known as ovarian torsion, can cause serious health complications.

If the Midwest OB/GYN & Midwifery team suspects you have a cyst, they may recommend an ultrasound to measure the size of your cyst. 

Your provider may also order blood or urine tests. Lab tests can screen you for underlying health problems, like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Often, cysts disappear on their own. In the meantime, your provider may prescribe medication to relieve your pain. Medication can also prevent new cysts from forming. 

If these remedies don’t resolve your symptoms, you might need surgery to remove the cysts.

If you need surgery, the team is experienced in using minimally invasive procedures to resolve ovarian cysts. These procedures use tiny incisions and thin surgical instruments. 

After a minimally invasive procedure, you can expect to get back on your feet much sooner than with traditional surgery. You also enjoy a lower risk of complications. 

If you’re still worried about undergoing surgery, the Midwest OB/GYN & Midwifery team goes over your treatment options to help you choose the treatment strategy that’s right for you.

Midwest OB/GYN & Midwifery provides the care you need to manage painful ovarian cysts. Call the office or book an appointment online today.